Plant Based Milk E-commerce Website
UX Case Study
Tool Used
0.1 About

Gleafy is an e-commerce website delivering fresh plant-based milk across Chennai & Bengaluru. Plant-based milk includes a range of options like soy, coconut, almond, cashew, oat and other varieties of nuts which is a healthier alternative to regular cow milk.


In the Indian market, few brands are providing plant-based milk, but all of them are processed and available in tetrapaks, with 180 days validity. Gleafy aims to deliver fresh vegan milk daily to customers’ doorsteps.


Gleafy is a website, where customers can order or subscribe to fresh vegan milk, and get it home delivered.The subscription options can be customised to get deliveries daily, weekly or on any particular day.

Key Features
  • Creating website with multiple subscription modes
  • Customers should be able to modify, pause or cancel the orders or subscriptions, using the calendar on the website.
  • Customers should be able to either place an one time order or opt for a subscription.
0.2 Design Process
Competitor Analysis
User Persona
Empathy Mapping


  • Limited options of plant based fresh milk.
  • Afraid of unreliable delivery and customer support.
  • There is no customised subscription option.


  • Users can modify their subscriptions.
  • Reliable delivery.
  • Good user experience and user interface.
Information Architecture
0.4 Wireframes
Low Fidelity Wireframes
High Fidelity Wireframes
0.5 Design System



UI Elements